Sunday, September 16, 2012

"These are times that try men's souls..."

Okay, maybe Thomas Paine had something more serious in mind when he uttered this altruism; but, nevertheless, this was a tough weekend for Hokie and Redskin fans.

First, the Hokies got absolutely manhandled and beat up-and-down the field by the Pitt Panthers; then the Redskins got smacked in the mouth (and many other places) by the St. Louis Rams.  I think that both of my teams are looking forward to some "home cookin'" next weekend.

A week in China, and I arrived back in the States on Saturday evening looking forward to watching a recording of the earlier-in-the-day Hokies-Panthers game (having religiously maintained radio and internet silence since landing that evening).  I was expecting to watch a convincing, if not easy, Hokie win, especially since Pitt had just dropped 2 games in a row to open their season.

Instead, I found myself watching the Redskin Hogs of the 70's-80's on the Pitt side of the ball.  Total domination up front.  The defense was supposed to be the Hokies' strong suit this season -- but after giving up 537 yards to Pitt --  I don't think so.

Then on Sunday afternoon, I got ready for the Redskins-Rams game by watching a replay of the Redskins-Saints game from last weekend (as I missed watching that game as well while I was in the People's Republic).  So when the Redskins-Rams game came on at 4 pm, I was looking for a beat-down of the Rams to open the season at 2-0.  The reality was something different, however.  In fact, thought I was watching a replay of the Hokies game, albeit with a little more offense from the good guys.  But seriously, 452 yards given up by the Redskins' defense, after giving up 358 yards to the Saints last week?  "Houston, we have a problem."

Former Hokie Josh -- I mean, "Joshua" -- Morgan did not acquit himself well at the end of game either with his 15-yard "loss of composure" penalty, although there was plenty of blame to go around, including Aldrick Robinson's drop of a bomb thrown by RG III in the closing drive.  

Speaking of Hokies in the NFL, although Arizona did knock off Tom Brady and the Patriots, Ryan Williams (aka, "RMFW") did not do his team any favors by fumbling at the end of the game deep in Arizona territory and setting up what should have been a game-winning field goal by the Patriots.  (At least the football gods got that one right.)

And if I ever hear the phrase "Another first-down (or touchdown) completion to Danny Amendola" again in my lifetime, it will be too soon...

Go Hokies!! Go Redskins!!